Charged With Assault Or Battery In Florida? Get A Strong Defender On Your Side.
If you have been charged with assault or battery, contact the skilled and experienced criminal defense attorneys at the law firm of King | Morse. We have the experience, knowledge, and resources to effectively defend you against criminal charges. Securing the services of a high-quality criminal defense team can save you months or years of anguish.
Do not wait to speak with a lawyer, contact the law firm of King | Morse, for the caliber of legal representation you need at this time.
By criminal definitions in Florida, an assault is intentional threats, words, or actions that cause a person to feel afraid of impending violence. Threatening to beat up someone, when said in a menacing or angry manner, is assault if the victim can reasonably believe, based on the statement and menacing behavior, that he is about to be struck or injured.
A Legal Definition Of Battery
Florida’s statute 784.011 defines battery as follows:
Battery is actual offensive physical contact, such as punching another person or hitting someone with an object. Striking another person with a fist during an argument and pushing someone are straightforward examples of battery. A more unusual example is grabbing and ripping someone’s clothing in anger. This is considered [an instance of] touching because clothing is an extension of one’s person.
Misdemeanors In Degrees
Simple assault in Florida is a second-degree misdemeanor. Simple battery is a first-degree misdemeanor. Assault against certain victims, such as police officers, the elderly, and school employees is a first-degree misdemeanor; and battery against these victims is a third-degree felony. The special victims identified by the statutes are those who were engaged in the performance of their duties in public service capacities, such as the following:
- Law enforcement officer or firefighter
- Emergency medical care provider
- Public transport employee
- Breath test operator, while engaged in testing persons under investigation for driving while intoxicated
- Parking enforcement officer
- Licensed security officer
- Employee at a detention or commitment facility for sexually violent offenders, if the defendant knew or had reason to know the victim’s employment status, and
- Code inspectors, if the offender knew or had reason to know the victim’s employment status.
- Employees or investigators for the Children and Family Services Department (if the offender knew or had reason to know the victim’s employment status)
- A person over the age of 65 years of age (the offender need not be aware of victim’s age)
- Sports officials, while participating in a sporting event or immediately after the event
- School employees or elected officials (if the defendant knew or had reason to know of the victim’s employee status)
- Visitors or detainees in a jail or correctional facility (if the offender is a detainee of the jail or correctional facility), and
- Code inspectors, if the offender knew or had reason to know the victim’s employment status.
Get A Fight For Your Rights And Future On Your Case
If you need a team of aggressive, experienced and respected criminal defense trial attorneys, contact the law office of King | Morse, today. Call 561-489-5056 or send an email inquiry.