Charged With A Computer Or Internet Crime In Florida? Turn To Our Defense Law Firm.
If you have been charged with an internet crime contact the skilled and experienced criminal defense attorneys at the law firm of King | Morse. We have the experience, knowledge, and resources to effectively defend you against criminal charges pursuant to the “Florida Computer Crimes Act”. Securing the services of a high-quality criminal defense team can help you take back your future in such a serious situation.
Do not wait to speak with a lawyer after you have been targeted in an investigation or have been contacted by federal or state law enforcement agents about the allegations against you. Contact King | Morse, today to schedule a free consultation with an attorney to confidentially discuss your felony charges.
About Internet Crimes
With less than twenty-five years of legal precedent, the laws governing commerce and communication over the Internet remain consistently fluid, with new regulations, cases and statutes (both state and federal) on a regular basis. In many cases, what was legal yesterday is illegal today.
King | Morse, represents clients throughout Florida facing criminal investigations and felony charges related to Internet and computer crimes, including:
- Internet gambling (offshore and domestic)
- Internet pharmacy operations (offshore and domestic)
- Child pornography (receipt, transmitting, etc.)
- Copyright infringement as well as illegal music and movie downloading and distribution.
Our Defense Team Is Here For You
At King | Morse, in Palm Beach County, Florida, we dedicate our practice to defending the rights of the accused. From our office in West Palm Beach, our attorneys accept clients throughout the state.
Contact King | Morse, by calling 561-489-5056 or by completing an online inquiry form to schedule a free consultation with an attorney to confidentially discuss your felony charges.