Commuters may notice signs that ask them to report suspected insurance fraud. Such notices might appear inside buses and trains, but false insurance claims encompass more than ones levied against public transportation services. Any insurance policy category, be it auto, homeowner’s, commercial liability, or others, could involve a dishonest claim. A recent high-profile case in Florida reveals a somewhat surprising example of alleged fraud.
The executive and the insurance claim
The Florida Department of Financial Services’ fraud bureau investigated a $300,000 insurance claim related to a home’s leaky roof. The investigation led to the arrest of an investment firm broker who filed the claim. Supposedly, the claim included fraudulent photos of mold and property damage.
The insurance company became suspicious of the claim, and a metadata analysis cast doubts on the validity of some photographs. Other issues, such as a claim for a discarded damaged Rolex, further concerned the insurance provider. The claim sought $300,000 from the insurance company, making the fraud charges serious. Be mindful that anyone accused of wrongdoing remains innocent until proven guilty.
Claims of insurance fraud
Those accused of insurance fraud may rely on a criminal defense strategy that casts doubts on any notion someone attempted deliberate misrepresentation. Sometimes, people make mistakes or are negligent. Overvaluing a damaged item in an insurance claim could cause problems, but questions arise about knowledge and intent. Someone who did not knowingly and intentionally commit fraud may not be guilty of a crime.
Misconduct might factor into an investigation. A criminal defense strategy might address concerning issues, such as whether law enforcement obtained evidence legally or if a witness is lying.